Gateway 902​


Gateway 902

InGateway902 (IG902) is a groundbreaking IIoT edge computing gateway redefining machine connectivity. It provides uninterrupted Internet access for industrial assets through 3G/4G and broadband services, ideal for distributed IIoT sites. With robust edge computing and security, IG902 transforms operations.
Supporting up to 10,000 device networking levels, IG902 optimizes data, offers real-time responses, agile connections, and intelligent analysis at the IoT edge, reducing data flow to data centers and preventing cloud computing bottlenecks. It benefits industrial equipment intelligence, automated production lines, energy sectors (oil & gas, renewables), public utilities, and smart agriculture. IG902 optimizes networks, delivering secure, responsive, and intelligent services, enhancing manufacturing and industrial efficiency.

InHand Networks InGateway902