Machine Collision Avoidance System

Integration for stacker and reclaimer machines.

Reliable system for Stacker and Reclaimer Machine

With the Stacker and reclaimer machine moving in open yard, comes the full dusty environment and the generation of unwanted reflection and attenuations in Radio Frequencies. The system provided by M/S Sheetal Wireless of Time of light-based positioning with an accuracy of 5-105-10 CM. The system working on licensed free frequency will be integrated to existing PLC in the form of hardware inputs and outputs. With Captive RF modem to calculate the linear distance for exchange of the positioning of the data of each machine and then based on that the Anti-Collision logic will be implemented.

Heavy-duty stacker and reclaimer train in an industrial setting.

MACS Applications

Machine Collision Avoidance System

eot cranes


Advanced solutions for optimizing processes in the cement industry.

Cement Industries

Mining industry solutions for safety monitoring and efficient operations in harsh environments.



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