Remote Control R13


Remote Control R13

The R13B receiver is a versatile and highly customizable device designed to excel in potentially hazardous applications where reliability and safety are paramount. It offers a range of features and mounting kits to ensure dependable and secure operation.Key features of the R13B include its multiband radio with full-duplex communication capabilities, an external display for troubleshooting, and a high degree of field-customizability. Additionally, it incorporates an external removable EEPROM SIM module, ensuring flexibility and ease of data management. 

Also complies with safety standards, specifically STOP: PLd, Category 3 according to EN ISO 13849-1:2008, and boasts multi-feedback capability along with 13 digital outputs. The benefits of the R13B are significant, including straightforward and rapid maintenance, advanced frequency management to combat interference effectively, and compatibility with a wide range of proportional valves commonly used in industrial lifting and automation applications.

remote control r13 product