Viper SC +


Viper SC +

The NextGen Viper SC is a smart point-to-multipoint bridge or router designed for licenced narrowband spectrum users. In bandwidths ranging from 6.25 kHz to 100 kHz, the ruggedized Viper SC+ consistently delivers greater data speeds to enable telemetry and SCADA applications. This software-programmable router is fast, secure, and intelligent for long-distance applications. With up to 4X the speed of devices in their class and optimum control for managing data flow, you get the most out of your RF channel.

The user-selected channel sizes range from 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50 and 100 KHz with 4 kbps to 256 kbps speeds based on application requirements. A configurable aspect to adapt to your applications. The QOS for simultaneous use of multiple applications and data transfer prioritization is possible. The NextGen Viper SC is easily deployed and managed via a web browser.

lorevisper sc


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